The New OSRAM - more than just light

OSRAM image video 2018

How light improves lives

See our image video and learn how!

OSRAM, based in Munich, is the global No. 1 in automotive car lighting and a globally leading lighting manufacturer with a history dating back more than 100 years. The portfolio ranges from high-tech applications based on semiconductor technology, such as infrared or laser lighting, to smart and connected lighting solutions in buildings and cities. As a high-tech enterprise, OSRAM is enhancing people’s lives in the digital age.

Our identity is shaped by a long tradition of innovation in the field of lighting technology. Be it with laser light for automobiles, increased security thanks to iris recognition, or intelligently connected lighting, we are shaping the future with all kinds of solutions in the areas of visible and invisible light. Our capacity for innovation is being deployed in new fields. The commercial utilization of chip fabrication expertise and novel applications in the visible and invisible light spectrum are examples of how the next chapter in the OSRAM success story could unfold.

We care for more than just light

How will we live in the future? - In 2050, we will be 10 billion people. Seventy percent of the human race will live in metropolitan areas. Many things will change, including where we live, how we live, how we get to work and travel, what we eat and how we maintain our well-being and our health. OSRAM is prepared for the changes that await us and is shaping the way we will live in the future by offering technological solutions.

Applying the nearly unlimited uses of invisible and visible light, OSRAM is making people’s lives safer and better. With the help of inventively applied light, people will see better, travel better, communicate better, work better and live better. OSRAM turns light into more than just illumination.

Our mission


Our vision is Light for a Better World

To accomplish this, we are embracing our new mission: OSRAM unlocks the potentials of light to improve people's lives. We primarily perform this in four areas of expertise. With light, we make driving easier and safer. With light, we protect people and their data, both online and offline. With light, we connect people and technology to their environments. With light, we help improve the health and well-being of a growing population. Thus we are shaping the future of light.

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We enable convenient and safe travel, as the volume of traffic continues to rise. Our technologies provide the basis for self-driving cars, vans, and trucks, efficient traffic guidance systems, and also ensure that logistics operations improve in tune with global requirements. We enable transport to run smoothly, even in urban centers.


Safety & Security

Light is a key technology for safety and security – for example for personal data, for road traffic, and for emergency ­services and the security sector. Invisible light provides security in access technologies. Visible light provides safety on the roads and in cities. With light, we are helping businesses, authorities and citizens to increase safety and security.



We turn light into the carrier of communication for a modern society. Our ­technologies provide people with the best possible experiences and ideal conditions for living, working, and learning – wherever they are. We are driving interconnectivity and the Internet of Things forward by enabling smart applications to be run on existing infrastructure.


Well-being & Health

Light is a source of vitality, and we explore this energy to allow people to live healthier lives. This includes designing suitable lighting for increasing productivity and the enjoyment of life. As a result, our lighting technologies help protect and maintain good health, create new ways of accessing medical support, and make it possible to live self-determined and confidently.


Our answers

Click to enlarge the picture, and discover what we can do to improve people's lives with visible and invisible light

Click to enlarge picture!

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